So I went to the Laguna Art Museum Auction Saturday evening. I've never been to a live auction before and I have to say that watching artists watch their work getting bid on, or not can be a depressing thing, which is probably why the booze were free. Nothing however, explains the strange warm chocolate bread pudding thing with nasty vodka whipped cream that tasted wonderful for free.
I have to say I have finally figured out how to enjoy myself at these things. I simply don't acknowledge that people are there to talk about art. I talk to people about other things. Anything really. The shape of a fish when it is scaled and cut in half for example. (Oh damn, that was an artist describing his work. Time to throw in some random statement to change the topic)
I've begun to take this line for granted living in LA:
"Sooo, you're an actress right?"
I almost laughed out loud. I think people are actually relieved when you tell them you are not. That you are not in "the industry"... although in a way, I guess I am.
Here's a picture at one of these art things, at the Brea Art Gallery I think.